Recent Projects
Bob Ross' Happy Valley at South Coast Makers Market
Punters at the market were invited to come and paint/plant "little happy trees" in Bob Ross' happy valley! - Bob looks delighted with the results:
massive floaty heads at end of the road festival......
me and imogen charleston were comissioned to make these big carnival heads that you could wear! each head has a very different landscape painted on the inside of them too.
message me at [email protected] if you wanna hire these heads or want anything making!
message me at [email protected] if you wanna hire these heads or want anything making!
build your own DRAGON - at purbeck folk festival and big feastival
getting everyone to help make a massive dragon, with people adding goblins and trolls riding on its back and making extra heads and tails for a dragon that grows and grows as the weekend goes along.
acrostic poems at russell cotes
to tie in with the "lost words" exhibition at russell cotes i was doing a treasure trail exhibtion of getting people to write and illustrate "acrostic poems" (poems where the first letter of each line spells the animal being descibed!). when ever the public gets a chance to make the art in a project it never fails to delight and add so much more to an initial idea!
cardboard city at "increase the peace festival" at BAD depot boscombe
i ran this picture with sculptor pete reed who works at scrap store. the visitors were given an infinate supply of cardboard and glue and asked to let their town planning ideas run wild!
Mexican paint off at Highcliffe Food Festival
Like a "mexican stand off & quick draw" but with pens and watercolours instead of guns - equally as devastating!...... i tried to make myself easier for people to paint by dressing as i did.......
The Wishing Tree in Bobby's Department Store....
Bobbys got me and Pete to make them this wishing tree in Febuary that is doing a fantastic job of making all your dreams come true we hope!!!
Pyrography at craft fairs and comissions
I do pyrography and exhibit these at craft fairs and sell them on line. Mostly i do portraits to order on spoons, russian dolls and ukuleles!
My painting degree
I did a painting degree at sheffield hallam university, and the photo you can see here is one of my final degree show pieces – a lifesized painting of harold bishop recusing des from the flames of lassiters coffee shop fire. (that's me with the bleached blond mullet next to it for scale....).